喜多多 发表于 2014-3-30 07:48:03




有礼貌是having good manners,无礼貌是bad manners,留意礼貌是minding one's manners。教孩子good manners并不是要他们学做ladies或gentlemen,good manners只是基本的正确做人态度。

和manners有关的一个字是etiquette。Etiquette是the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group,礼仪、礼节;例如︰Such conducts are a breach of professional etiquette.(这样的行为是违反职业礼仪规范。)

专写etiquette课题的美国作家Emily Post曾说:"Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use."(礼貌只是在意别人的感受。有这样的触觉,自然就有好的礼貌,与外出用餐时懂得先用哪柄叉子无关。)

教孩子礼貌,其实就是教他们不要以自我为中心,要随时随地顾及别人的感受,即being considerate。小事如在饭桌上不可用筷子敲打碗碟,目的也是不要骚扰同桌的其他人。


专栏作家Isadora Fox在"Teaching Kids to Mind Their Manners"一文中指出,要有good manners就必先有礼貌的意识(awareness)。而培养孩子的礼貌意识需及早开始:

Around the 18-month mark, a child begins to understand that other people have feelings just like his, so this is the time to start teaching kids that their behavior affects others.

礼貌是一种习惯。"Good manners are a good habit."(有礼貌是好的习惯。)相反地,无礼貌自然也是一种习惯。

另一位礼仪专家Robin Thompson说:"Behaving politely is a way of life, not just something you pull out when you're at a wedding or fancy(高级的) restaurant. It's important to start as early as you can so manners become something a child does automatically(自动地), whether she is at home or away."

365 Manners Kids Should Know的作者Sheryl Eberly则说:"You wouldn't send a child off to preschool without a healthy snack. Sending her into the world without knowing social graces is equally problematic(有问题的)."

Grace解优美、优雅自然,众数graces则解the skills needed to behave in a way that is considered polite and socially acceptable,风度;而social graces就是社交风度。

网友评论 发表于 2014-4-2 06:00:34

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查看完整版本: 子女教育:教会孩子社交礼貌有多重要?